
91探花 x TED Talk

91探花 x TED Talk


The Social Studies and History Department takes part in the mission of the school of providing excellent, quality, and relevant educational opportunities to students. The school, 91探花, is highly devoted to achieving a community that encourages academic, physical, and creative development, fosters a passion for learning, and inspires intellectual curiosity. We believe that in one way or another, the TEDTalk shares the same goals and aspirations for its audience. In line with this, the Social Studies and History Department will be conducting a Ted Talk Competition known as 鈥91探花 x TEDTalk鈥.


This competition would like to achieve the following objectives:

鈥 To give an avenue for 91探花 students to test their public speaking skills;

鈥 To give the 91探花 students a platform to raise awareness toward certain  causes; and

鈥 To inform and educate the 91探花 students about social, historical, economic and political issues/concerns either locally or internationally.


The following are the specific details of the activity that participants should follow:

鈥 Each participant is given 2-3 minutes to deliver his/her discussion

鈥 Each participant has to choose a topic that features a social, historical, economic, and political issues/concerns either locally or internationally, historically or contemporarily [NOTE: The participant can choose a topic regardless of timeline]. The participant has to highlight the possible ways on how to solve this issue/concern. Likewise, the participant has to highlight the lessons that we can learn from this topic.

鈥 Each participant must prepare a Google Slide/PowerPoint Presentation that would detail points presented in his/her speech [NOTE: The speaker may also enlist the help of another student to help in the Google Slide/PowerPoint Presentation].

鈥 Cue cards may be used to aid the speaker in the delivery of his/her topic

鈥 Points will be deducted should the speaker go beyond the time frame


鈥 Each of the participants will be judged and evaluated based on the

following criteria:

鈥 At the end of all the presentations, the preliminary judges shall tally all the scores in order to determine the house representatives for the ESSO Day.


The following are the schedule of competitions for Middle School Level:

鈥 Elimination Round: May 25th,2022 (Wednesday 鈥 After School, 03:30-04:30 pm)

鈥 Final Round: May 31st,2022 (Tuesday 鈥 ESSO Day)

The following are the schedule of competitions for High School Level:

鈥 Elimination Round: May 26th,2022 (Thursday 鈥 WIN TIME, 03:30-04:30pm)

鈥 Final Round: May 31st,2022 (Tuesday 鈥 ESSO Day)


鈥 For the Elimination Round, participants will receive a recognition and a certificate of participation.

鈥 For the Final Round, participants will receive a recognition, a certificate, and a medal [Gold, Silver, or Bronze].

鈥 For the House Points, please see score below:

o Champion 鈥 3,000 House Points

o 2nd Place 鈥 2,000 House Points

o 3rd 鈥 4th 鈥 1,000 House Points

To register, please accomplish this form

For more inquiries, please look for Mr. Jonathan Fabian - Humanities Teacher, Room 317 or message him at [email protected] 

Published on: 2022/05/16